The name of the organisation shall be 'The Business Continuance Group', or, in short form, TBCG.
The principal objective of The Business Continuance Group is to provide a forum for promoting the sharing of information, experiences and solutions in Business Continuance.
3.1. It is intended that TBCG's membership shall be representative of a broad cross section of all industries. Representation at meetings to be by senior
people from within the company.
3.2. Prospective new members must apply in writing, in the name of their company, to the Secretary of TBCG. The Committee will consider each application and
make the decision whether or not to accept it.
3.3 Voting shall be on the basis of one vote per organisation, irrespective of size.
3.4. Vendors and consultants shall be excluded from membership, except as shown in 3.8 below.
3.5. Attendance at TBCG's events may be opened up to non-members.
3.6. The Committee will review the number of members of TBCG at least once between each Annual General Meeting. However it is anticipated the membership
organisations will not exceed 75 (seventy five). Members who do not attend regularly or do not pay their annual subscriptions, may be deemed to have disqualified from TBCG if, after a further year
they have not paid.
3.7. The open exchange of information between members is encouraged on a “Chatham House Rules” basis,
namely on the understanding that members can be open in discussion in the knowledge that the audience will not mis-use the information nor attribute it to the speaker or his / her
3.8. An individual who has been a regular TBCG member company representative, but no longer works for that company, may be invited by the Committee to continue
to participate in the TBCG as an 'Individual Member' if the group considers he / she would continue to add value to it. Thereafter, continued
membership as an individual would be subject to:
i. his / her not indulging in any form of marketing and / or business development at TBCG meetings or showing bias towards any supplier(s).
ii. review at each Committee meeting.
iii. formal presentation of Individual Member names at each AGM and a vote.
Membership will cease automatically if the individual becomes employed by a group or company supplying services or goods to Business Continuity end
4.1. TBCG shall have a Committee comprised of:
.2. All members of the Committee must be employed by a corporate member of TBCG, or in the absence of a Corporate Member volunteering, by any member of
4.3. Committee members shall be elected annually at TBCG's Annual General Meeting to hold office for one year and shall have general powers to co-opt. A quorum
shall consist of four elected Committee members. Co-opted members shall not have the right to vote at Committee meetings.
4.4. All voting shall be by simple majority. If necessary, the Chairman of the meeting will have the casting vote.
4.5. The Committee may establish sub-committees. Such committees shall consist of not less than two persons and a chairman and shall have powers to co-opt. The
chairman must be a member of the Committee.
5.1. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of TBCG shall be held. The interval between AGMs shall not exceed 18 (eighteen) calendar months. Not less than 21 days’
notice shall be given of the AGM.
5.2. A Special General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary on the written application of not less than 10% of the members of TBCG within 60 days of
receipt of such application and 21 days' notice of such meeting shall be given to the members. Only the business contained in the written application shall be discussed.
5.3. It is intended to hold a minimum of 2 general meetings each year.
6.1. An annual subscription shall be paid by each member.
6.2. The amount of the annual subscription will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting. The TBCG is a non-profit making organisation and the subscription,
currently £50.00 per calendar year, is primarily to cover expenses such as external speakers, entertaining and venues.
TBCG may be terminated or its activities suspended by resolution of an AGM or Special GM. Should circumstances make such a meeting impracticable the Secretary
shall make arrangements for the safe-keeping of the Records and disposal of any Assets of TBCG.
Any alteration to the Constitution of TBCG shall require a simple majority of the entire voting membership, via postal ballot or attendance at the AGM or
Special GM.
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If you contact us, we will use the personal information you provide (eg name, email address) in order to answer your questions. This could be by the person who receives the email you sent or other TBCG members better able to answer your question(s).
The emails you send to us and copies of the emails you receive from us will normally be stored within various email systems. Most emails sent to @tbcg.org.uk addresses are forwarded to email addresses at member organisations. These organisations operate their own privacy policy, over which we have no control. In particular, many of these organisations operate mandatory email retention programmes.
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We will not pass information about you to anyone else unless it is either required by law or with your explicit agreement ("If you want, I could pass your information to X [outside the TBCG] who may be able to help").